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Monthly Archives: August 2024


Back to School: The Role of Educational Decisions in Custody Agreements

By Foster Hsu, LLP |

When parents divorce or separate, one of the most critical aspects of custody agreements is determining how educational decisions will be made for their children. Educational decisions encompass a broad range of choices, from selecting a school to addressing special education needs or deciding on tutoring. At Foster Hsu, LLP in San Jose, California,… Read More »

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Legal Considerations for Blended Families in California

By Foster Hsu, LLP |

Blended families—those formed when one or both partners in a marriage have children from previous relationships—are increasingly common in California. While these families bring together diverse backgrounds and create new bonds, they also face unique legal challenges that can complicate relationships and financial arrangements. At Foster Hsu, LLP in San Jose, California, we understand… Read More »

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What to Do If You Cannot Make Your Child Support Payments

By Foster Hsu, LLP |

Child support is a crucial obligation that ensures the well-being of children after a separation or divorce. However, life’s uncertainties can sometimes make it difficult to meet these obligations. If you find yourself in a situation where you know you cannot make your child support payment for the month, it is important to take… Read More »

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Navigating the Challenges of Gray Divorces

By Foster Hsu, LLP |

In recent years, the phenomenon of “gray divorces” has been on the rise. A gray divorce refers to the dissolution of a marriage where the partners are typically over 50 years old. This trend is particularly significant as it brings unique challenges and considerations distinct from those faced by younger couples. At Foster Hsu… Read More »

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